What diet planning principle can help better?

Kinza Iftikhar
1 min readApr 14, 2021


There are mainly six principles for proper household meal namely, adequacy, balance, calorie (energy) control, nutrient density, moderation, and variety.

Most people consider quantity rather than quality when planning their meals. To improve food quality, household meals should be planned based on those principles as stated above. Since a diet must have all the aforementioned characteristics as they are interlinked to each other, every principle should be kept in mind before planning a perfect meal.

One needs to be more skilled and smarter to create a variety in their meals rather than sticking to the same patterns and type of food with adequacy and balance. But according to me, the most important diet planning principle is “calorie control” along with other principles.

I feel one should allow himself a reasonable calorie intake thus the amount of energy the body will be receiving would match the amount of energy needed for the body to sustain “balance” and “adequacy” in their mental and physical activities.

Calorie control helps the body and mind to function actively. It reduces the risk of nutritional deficiencies and a person starts learning about portion control. If one’s diet lack calorie control and he starts overeating or do not eat properly, he will feel lazy and drained most of the time affecting his both physical and mental energy. Overeating or undereating (imbalanced diet) can lead to severe weight problems that can harm the other functions of the body too. The best part of calorie control is one can have desserts too but under controlled conditions!



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